Jason Nam
Back tattoo project centered on lady riding a horse framed by a butterfly and flowers.
Tattoo of naked woman riding a reptile on a branch, located on the stomach.
Stomach tattoo of girl head with butterfly head piece.
Tattoo of flying fish on arm.
Tattoo of lady riding a horse, spearing a dragon.
Tattoo of frog framed by flames and a flower on lower arm.
Black and grey nude lady riding a fish on lower arm.
Tattoo of bull dog on upper arm.
Devil head tattoo on lower side of neck.
Several American Traditional tattoos on arm.
Tattoo of tiger head with open mouth.
Tattoo of head of a mythical creature.
Tattoo of red flowers in patterned vase.
Tattoo of red rose with leaves on hand.
Tattoo of girl head above a butterfly on upper arm.
Tattoo of leopard head on chest.
Black and grey tattoo of girl head with large butterfly in hair and rose below on lower leg.
Tattoo of cowgirl head with cowgirl hat and scarf on pec.
Tattoo of sad clown head with small hat and large collar on upper arm.
Black and grey tattoo of child resting on tiger head with accent flower.
Black and grey tattoo of roses in vase.
Stomach tattoo of exotic duck.
Tattoo of red roses with green leaves on lower arms.
Tattoo of tiger head.
Black and grey eagle tattoo on lower arm.